Underlying Program Goals:

// lead students in HANDS-ON construction combined with a design studio education in order to discover new intersections between design and fabrication.

// foster a COLLABORATIVE studio environment such that students engage more fully in a dialogue with their peers, practitioners, context and communities.

// implement architecture, design and the making of space to catalyze POSITIVE SOCIAL CHANGE and stewardship of our built environment.

June 26, 2008

BOX thoughts

Team- please brainstorm for 10 minutes today as to what we can do with the boxes, and what materials, brushes, or applications you'd like to try Sunday for removing the pain etc.

keep in mind that one possible end solution will be to red paint directly the milk crate - which we tested at the end of the day last Sunday - and we'll take a look at this weekend.

please post your thoughts as a comment below

June 19, 2008

06.22.08 workflow

sunday 11-6: KS + AP + BG + JC + LG + ...

01 stripping with two options:
01.1 acetone nail polish remover
02.2 brillo pads or eq.

02 remove plastic crates from wood sheathing
03 paint interior with final coat with roller

04 finish coring and inserting security cable sleeves

05 verify on-site measurement
06 verify sleeve locations

STENCIL (thursday)
07 laser-cut remaining frisket panels

i'm out of town this weekend, disperse my chicken stipend amongst yourselves

Nomadic Canopies, mock-up session - Spring '09

Frederick Douglass Peace Park Amphitheater, rendering - Spring'08